Devki Devi

EMERGENCY: 011 4055 4055


Billing Policy

1 Room rent
a Day Care room rent is applicable for 12 hrs and if stay exceeds for more than 12 hrs then room rent will be charged as per opted room category by the patient.
b In day Care-Surgeon fee, Doctor Visit and other charges will be charged equal to double room category
c Billing cycle will start from time of admission and is from 11:00 am to 11:00 am. Therefore 11:00 am is the checkout time for discharge. This policy however is not applicable in case of Day Care
d Room rent charges do not includes any professional fees like RMO Fess, Diet Charges, Dietician Visit, MRD charge and Equipment charges etc
e ICU tariff includes Room rent, RMO charges and Pulse Oxymeter and all charges are applicable as per Single room.
2 Consultation
a In the IPD the admitting doctor (Primary Consultant) will be entitled to maximum of two IP visits per day and One (each) emergency consult in a day is allowed for both Primary and Secondary doctor (if required per patient in between 10:00 Pm to 8:00 Am). Apart from this Primary Consultation, one visit of RMO for INR 500/- will be applicable per day for Non ICU Stay
b In ICU two visits for the admitting doctor and two visits for intensivist per day will be charged
3 Surgery Charging Policy
a If the same surgeon performs more than one surgery at the same time on the same area of body then the Surgery costing the maximum shall be billed 100% followed by the surgery costing lesser as 75% of the listed tariff and followed by the surgery costing still lesser as 60% of the listed tariff but if surgeries are carried out on different body areas then all surgeries will be charged 100%.
b In case different Specialty Surgeons perform different surgeries then all surgeries will be charged at 100% of surgeon fee as specified in tariff table
c In case of multiple packages in same sitting and different body site, both packages shall be billed @100%.
d In cases of multiple packages in same sitting and same body site, the highest priced package shall be billed @100%, second package @75% and third onwards@60%.
e In case of multiple packages in different sitting (irrespective of body site) both packages shall be billed at 100%.
4 Assistant Surgeon Policy
a In cases where surgery is of category 20 & above, an additional charge may be levied for the Assistant Surgeon’s Fee. However, in special cases and with concurrence of Medical Superintendent, the same can be levied on surgeries of category 20 & below. This will be 30% of Primary Surgeon’s fee in case Assistant Surgeon is of same specialty as Primary Surgeon. Patients in such cases should be informed beforehand about this additional charge during surgery. Assistant Surgeon is someone who is the level of Attending Consultant and above and Assistant Surgeon’s Fee shall be applicable for all surgeries of same surgeon or same specialty done in one sitting.
5 Emergency/Stat report other billing policy
a Any Bed side Investigations (except for Pathology, ECG etc.) would be charged with 25% surcharge on the OPD rates. (e.g. X Ray, Ultrasound, Echocardiography).
b During the day if a Stat report for any investigation (Pathology) is required 20 % extra shall be charged. In the night between 22:00 hrs and 8:00 hrs 20% extra as Emergency charges would be levied on all Investigations/Diagnostics/ Diagnostic procedures
c Hospital shall levy additional charges of up to 30% of Net Bill for High Risk or complex for package, surgeries and procedures
d Nursing Charges will be applicable once in a day during patient Stay in the hospital from each Inpatient
Room Tariff
S.No. Room Type Room Rent (Per Day)
1 Suite 42,000
2 Single 15,000
3 Double Bed 9,500
4 Economy Bed 6,800
5 Day Care 5,000
6 ICU/CTVS/ACC/Cath 16,000
7 HDU 12,000
8 PICU 10,500
9 NSICU 17,500
5% GST will be applicable on Room Rent above Rs.5,000/- per day excluding ICU/HDU
IP Consultation Charges
Consultation Charges
S.No. Room Type Medical (Per Visit)
1 Suite 3,000
2 Single 1,800
3 Double Bed 1,600
4 Economy Room 1,400
5 Day Care Bed 1,450
6 ICU/CTVS/ACC/Cath 1,800
7 HDU (Ortho/Neuro) 1,750
8 PICU 1,700
9 NSICU 1,800
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